Household Air Purifiers

Household Air Purifiers

The contaminants like formaldehyde, mildew, bacteria, odor, smoke, virus, pollen, gases, VOCs, PM2.5, pet dander, dust mite, and paint fume are the main causes of air pollution. Our Air Purifiers contain various filters that almost neglect the indoor pollutants and return the air quality to safer levels. While there are many air purification filters that are used in air purifiers, there are only some that are very relevant to air purification at home. It’s good to have several filters that are Pre Filter, Activated Carbon Filter, HEPA filter. These filter combinations completely remove smoke and harmful gases from the air and reduce indoor air pollution for your home. This air filtration is what we use to help with asthma and serious allergies.

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Dust, Mites, Pet Dander, Cosmetic Products, Dry Cleaned Clothes, Fabrics, Interior Grade Plywood, Paint, Kerosene Heaters, Unvented Gas Heater, Tobacco Products, Decorative Spays, Shingling And Sliding Ceiling And Floor Tiles Etc.


Tobacco Smoke, Carpeting, Furniture, Air Fresheners, Carpet, Cabinetry Furniture, Wood Preservatives, Lead-Based Paints, Fire Place, Kerosene Heater, Pets, Pillows, Standing Water Humidifier, Evaporative Coolers Etc.


Mildew, Bacteria, Viruses, Household Cleaner, Etc.


Chemicals, Smoke, CO2, Cleaning Solvent, Improperly Open Gas, Wood Stove, Etc.


CO2, Paints, Solvents, Stored Fuels, Automotive Products, External Dust And Soil, Some Building Material Etc.


Pollens, Herbicides, Pesticides, Urea Foam Insulation, Pesticides, Insecticides, External Dust & Soil, Water, Soil, Water Tank, Damp Material Etc.


Complete House, Basements, Living Areas, Bedrooms and Cooking Area


Carpet pollutants become airborne during renovations at home or while doing vacuum cleaning. Even during the daily activities like walking on the carpet escalates the growth of impurities in surroundings which increases the demand of Air Purifier.

What it contains – volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as toluene, formaldehyde, and acetone

Effects – Headaches, throat and eye irritation, allergies and drowsiness, lower IQ, cause birth defects, decreased fertility leading to diseases related to liver, kidneys, blood and ovaries.

Cooking Area

Air Purifiers are a must in the cooking area to get rid of cooking odours in your home. This lets you stay healthy and fit all day even from the lingering food smell.

What it contains – Improperly Operating Gas or Oil Furnace/Hot Water Heater, Fireplace, Wood Stove, Unvented Gas Heater/Kerosene Heater

Effects – Headache, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea, difficulty in breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, coma, asphyxia, and convulsions, Nitrogen Dioxide causing wheezing, coughing, colds, flu, and bronchitis

Household Cleaning Products

You’re wrong if you think your home is completely clean and pollutant-free even after using the best of cleaning products. Air Purifier is a must need for a healthy home.

What it contains – Majorly alcohol, chlorine, ammonia, and petrol based solvents, VOCs

Sources –  Aerosol sprays, rug, upholstery cleaners, chlorine bleach, oven cleaners, and floor polishes

Effects – Chemicals cause irritation in the eyes or throat resulting in severe headaches. Dangerous chemicals contribute to allergies, asthma other respiratory diseases.

Air Fresheners

Air purifiers should be installed to get rid of odours and even the causes of odours completely rather than simply masking unpleasant smells.

What it contains – toxic pollutants in the air, VOCs

Sources – Air Freshener

Effects – neurological disorders, fatigue, tremor, anemia, and nausea.

Candles and Incense Sticks

What it contains – Candels – paraffin, vegetable oil, soy and beeswax

Effects – liver damage, neurological problems, respiratory problems and also leukemia.

Dust and Shoe Debris

The moment you enter the gym, you bring along countless pollutants with your footwear, thus increasing the chances of indoor air pollution. Air Purifier is needed to decrease the chances of infections which might leave a damaging impact on liver, kidney and other body parts.

What it contains – lead dust, fertilizers, and animal waste. dust mites, insects

Effects – Eye, Nose, and Throat Irritation Headaches, loss of coordination and nausea Damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system are severe symptoms.


There has been an urgent need to buy Air Purifiers to fight against the odds behind the soothing paint colors. The colorful paint on the walls seems to be soothing to eyes, but do you think these colors don’t leave any adverse effect on your body? Think about it.

What it contains – hazardous VOCs. microscopic particles, indoor dust that contaminates

Effects – At low concentrations, it adversely affects the brain, central nervous systems, blood cells, and kidneys. At high concentrations, it can cause convulsions and even death, Abdominal Pain, High Blood Pressure, Kidney dysfunction

Pet Dander

Sources – dead skin cells. Flakes of skin, Biological Contaminants

Effects – Allergic reactions, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, lethargy and fever

Do You Know What Causes Indoor Air Pollution At Your Home?

Complete House, Basements, Living Areas, Bedrooms and Cooking Area

ContaminationSourcesHealth Hazard
VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • Perfumes, Hairsprays, Furniture Polish
  • Cleaning Solvents Hobby And Craft Supplies
  • Pesticides Carpet Dyes And Fibers
  • Glues, Adhesives, Sealants, Paints, Stains, Varnishes, Strippers Wood Preservatives, Dry Cleaned Clothes, Moth Repellents, Air Fresheners
  • Stored Fuels, And Automotive Products Contaminated Water Plastic
  • Eye, Nose, and Throat Irritation
  • Headaches, loss of coordination and nausea
  • Exposure to some organics can cause cancer
  • Damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system are severe symptoms.
  • Particleboard, Interior-Grade Plywood, Cabinetry, Furniture, Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation, Carpet, Fabrics
  • Irritation of the nose, eyeandthroat
  • Coughing, skin rashes and headaches
  • Dizziness, nausea, vomitingandnosebleeds
  • Cause cancer
  • Insecticides, (including termiticides)
  • Rodenticides, Fungicides, disinfectants
  • Herbicides (from outdoor use)
  • Abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting
  • Skin and eye problems are acute effects
  • Cancer
  • Lead-based paint,
  • Exterior dust and soil
  • At low concentrations, it adversely affects the brain, central nervous systems, blood cellsandkidneys.
  • At high concentrations, it can cause convulsions and even death
  • Abdominal Pain
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Kidney dysfunction
Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide

  • Improperly Operating Gas Or Oil Furnace/Hot Water Heater, Fireplace, Wood Stove, Unvented Gas Heater/Kerosene Heater
  • Headache, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea
  • Difficulty in breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, coma, asphyxia, and convulsions
  • Nitrogen Dioxide causes wheezing, coughing, colds, fluandbronchitis
Sulfur Dioxide
  • Combustion of sulfur-containing fuels (primarily kerosene heaters)
  • SO2 is very toxic. Mild exposure can cause severe irritation of the nose and throat while high exposure can cause pulmonary edema
RSP (Repairable Particulates)
  • Fireplace, Wood Stove unvented gas heater, Tobacco products, unvented kerosene heater
  • Exposure to RSP athighlevel can cause respiratory problems
PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
  • Fireplace, wood stove, unvented kerosene heater, tobacco products
  • Eye irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion
  • Cataracts, kidney and liver damage, and jaundice
  • Congestion heart failure
  • Blood clots in lungs
ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke)
  • Tobaccoproducts,Smoke exhaled by smokers
  • Respiratory irritation like cough, excess phlegm and wheezing
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Lung cancer
Biological Contaminants
  • Plants, animals, birds, humans, pillows, bedding, house dust, wet or damp materials
  • Standing water humidifiers, evaporative coolers, Hot water tank
  • Allergic reactions, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, lethargyandfever
  • Pipe and furnace insulation, Decorative sprays, Shingles and siding Ceiling and floor tiles & many others
  • No immediate adverse health effect
  • Long-term risk of chest and abdominal cancers and lung diseases
  • Lung cancer, stomach cancerandheart failure occur in people with prolonged exposure to asbestos
  • Soil and rock Some building materials, Water
  • Carcinogenic
  • Lung Cancer
  • Direct Trauma To Nose
  • Upper Respiratory Infection
  • Allergic Rhinitis

How To Ward Off Indoor Air Pollution At Home With Air Purifiers?

Air Purifiers contain various filters that almost negate the indoor pollutants and return the air quality to safer levels. While there are many air purification filters that are used in air purifiers, there are only some that are very relevant to air purification at home. While it’s good to have several filters, the filters that are must are Pre Filter, Activated Carbon Filter, HEPA filter.

A HEPA filter and Activated Carbon filter does the job of completely removing smoke and harmful gases from the air and reduce indoor air pollution.

There are a lot of contaminants like particles of dust, pet dander, and other allergens. They are captured by Pre-Filter. This helps in increasing the longevity of HEPA filters. Pre-filter removes the bigger particles and protects the HEPA filter from clogging. The main function of pre-filter is to reduce expenses that can result from clogging of HEPA filter.

The treatment of carbon with oxygen opens up multiple tiny pores on the surface of the carbon. The pores are so much in number that one pound of activated carbon provides 60-150 acres of surface area. It works on the concept of adsorption. The gas elements bond with the surface of solid. Activated carbon is the solid material that adsorbs air pollutants that are 60% of its weight. Once they are adsorbed by filters, the purified air leaves from the other side.

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. They are used in combination with an activated carbon filter and impart high efficiency of an air filter. It removes a wide range of airborne pollutants and also removes dust mites, pollen, mold and pet dander which are responsible for triggering problems like asthma. HEPA filter removes 99.9% of airborne contaminants which are of the size 0.01 microns. It is the most efficient for people suffering from allergies and asthma.