Air purifiers the need of new India

India is a developing nation, with its largest population and rich culture it is proven to be one of the fastest growing nation. The world rankings depict the growth of the country and its citizens in comparison to other developing nations. The New India is neither blindfolded nor stoppable. The new generations are both smart and practical, and therefore the country has shown rapid growth in recent years. The new India is made of new ideas to change the world, and facilitate growth and innovation. Newer ideas and more use of technology could have some adverse effects in the long run which we are ignoring and therefore there is a threat lurking on us to catch hold our progress and turn it into failures. IS THE GROWTH RESTRCITED TO TALENT OR SOMETHING ELSE IS GROWING TOO? WHAT IS THE THREAT LURKING ON?

Top rankings we should not be proud of!

Is higher ranking always a synonym to greatness or wellness? The answer is NO! The recent rankings in the field of pollution growth showcases our failures, most polluted 15 cities consist of 14 Indian cities. These rankings are nothing to be proud of. Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur, Varanasi etc, are top rated air polluted cities. The conditions have only worsened in recent years, with adverse effects to population health, growth has been stagnant and maybe in coming years could decline. Kanpur is been ranked first in the most polluted cities list, which is a major threat to our future! Delhi and Mumbai are not at much of a distance to Kanpur in the list.

Kanpur: the major threat!

Kanpur a city with its own history, language and culture is a signified city in the country. But a city once only a tourist heritage site is now ranked no.1 under the most polluted cities in the world. The recent surveys in the city have showcased an increase in rise of poor air quality caused diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia, with an alarming number of deaths occurred due to air pollution of approximately 600 per month, which mostly included kids and senior citizens. The city in history has faced various massacres and now is facing the ugliest one by the most harmful and invisible enemies present in the air.

Need of the hour

The need in this crucial time is of air purifiers. Air purifiers are machines operated for cleansing the air we breathe in our houses, hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals, car etc. The air we breathe in closed structures in 5 times more polluted than the air outside, the pollutants present inside are more as the added pollutants from the paints, air conditioners, heaters, gas stoves, carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke etc reduce the air quality furthermore, so if you think you are safe in your home, think again! Air purifiers have been a luxury in past but now is more of a necessity! A house without air purifier is an open invitation to the air to kill!

Air concept: a solution

Air quality is decreasing day-by-day and to not hinder our future generation’s lives we need to take care of it now, and air purifiers will help us in that. Air concept filters by filter concept is an answer to all of your worries. These are finely designed air filters keeping in mind all the variants a buyer has in consideration, which are: prices, technology, certifications! Air concept filters have distinguished air filters for all your needs. Air concept has wide ranges of air purifiers for all, with 7 different layers of fertilization, and in the higher ranges the layers are increased to 9 for better results in covering a bigger area.

Air concept filters not only helps you breathe in a safer and cleaner air but a healthier one as well. Families with pets are to be expected to face more challenges with poor air quality as to the saliva and pet hair makes the air more polluted. Also in seasons like monsoons and winters when we mostly keep our windows and doors closed the risk of air damage increases and air filters especially air concept filters are designed to cover bad odour, dust and unseen air pollutants within seconds.

One for every one: Air concept filters for different needs

Air purifier for Household

A typical home contains pollutants such as VOCs in bed room and living area and also various bacteria if yours is a pet friendly family, kitchen contains smoke from cooking various types of oil, household cleaning products contains alcohol, chlorine, ammonia and many more which harms family’s health in long run. AC – 220 to AC – 450 air purifiers by Air concept serves these basic needs and are best for a family, also size of each bed room and living room should be kept in consideration while choosing an air purifier.

Air purifier for Commercial

Commercial spaces such as office area, college campus, restaurants and hospitals are mostly crowded. Health issues of every individual are difficult to keep in mind. These types of places mostly contain CO2, VOCs, dust and viral infections and many other pollutants invisible to naked eye. Air concept’s AC – 800 and AC – 1000 air purifiers are specially designed for commercial place and to provide better health with a great environment.

Air purifier for Car

One of the most polluted place you go everyday is your own car. The smoke and pollution from outside traffic adversely affects to a person’s health, moreover car’s engine and perfume used in car trigger minor health problems. Air concept’s ACC – 7 is a portable air purifier which is not bigger than a handy diary and therefore is very user friendly.